Tag: Relocation

  • A Week of Transitions: Moving out, Careers, and Rediscovering Balance (2024 Wk51)

    A Week of Transitions: Moving out, Careers, and Rediscovering Balance (2024 Wk51)

    This week has seen significant steps in our move to the South West of France. From the practicalities of moving out to contemplating career changes and reconnecting with personal well-being, it’s been a busy but ultimately fulfilling period!

    Personal: Saying Goodbye to Perrusson, Hello (soon) to Burg

    The dominant theme of my personal life this week has been moving out effectively from my house in Perrusson. This involved a flurry of activity, from the practical to the emotional. I spent a considerable amount of time over the past days sorting through my belongings, deciding what to take with me to our new home and what to leave behind. This process was more than just decluttering; it was a symbolic act of letting go some of the past and embracing the future.

    Logistics also played a major role. I arranged for my Mazda RX-8 and my Citroën 2CV to be temporarily housed with close friends until they can be transported to Burg in January. This was a huge relief and I’m incredibly grateful for their help. My friends also collected the white goods, some furniture, and leftover building materials, and they will ensure they all go to good homes.

    The actual moving day was a marathon. The moving company (NAKA Transports) arrived on Monday at 5:40pm and we started loading the moving truck immediately. After 3 hours of intense work with head torches and LED projectors (reminder: no electricity in the house, and it’s winter time, so it’s dark early!), the truck was off to Burg. They arrived at our new place the morning after and unloading went smoothly, thanks to the precious help of Ian who made the space available. We are incredibly well surrounded.

    I spend Tuesday and Wednesday focused on the final clean of the Perrusson house. It was exhausting but satisfying to see everything come together.

    Finally, I had an important appointment (the most important) at the notary on Thursday morning, which finalized the legal aspects of the sale. Everything went smoothly and the keys have been handed over to the new owner, marking the official start of a new chapter for her and for us! Very happy to have passed the baton so that she can continue the work I have started.

    My house in Perrusson sitting mostly empty after moving out
    My house in Perrusson sitting (mostly) empty after the move is completed

    Despite the stress of moving out, I have been able to reconnect with close friends and spend quality time with them, which was a much-needed source of relaxation and joy.

    Professional: Charting a New Course

    My professional life has also been a focus -far behind the move though – this week. I’ve been actively reviewing job offers, with a strong preference for remote or hybrid positions that offer greater flexibility. This has involved updating my curriculum vitae to accurately reflect my skills and experience.

    In addition to job searching, I’ve been seriously considering setting up my own business. I’m exploring the possibility of offering consultancy and auditing services, leveraging my expertise to help other businesses thrive. This is an exciting prospect, though it requires careful planning and consideration, as expected.

    Inner: Reconnecting with Myself

    Amidst the chaos of moving and career planning, I have neglected my personal well-being. I missed my daily meditation and journaling practices for the entire week, which left me feeling slightly disconnected. Thankfully, I managed to restart these practices on Saturday, which helped me regain a sense of balance.

    Despite the hectic schedule, I maintained a relaxed attitude and thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with friends. It was a good reminder of the importance of social connection and taking time to unwind. They also embarked me on a week of food re-education. Raclette, goat cheese and Roquefort, duck, mussels, divinely cooked and served with the right wines each time. I must admit, after a week of focusing on “healthier” meals, I can confidently say that French food and cuisine are definitely above others!

    France remains a heaven for foodies!
    France remains a heaven for foodies

    Conclusion: A Week of Progress and New Beginnings

    This week has been a significant period of transition, marked by progress in both my personal (mostly) and professional life (eventually). The move to Burg is complete, and I’m looking forward to settling into our new home in a few weeks. Professionally, I’m exploring new opportunities and considering exciting entrepreneurial ventures. Most importantly, I’ve reaffirmed the importance of maintaining balance and prioritizing my personal well-being. Also reconnecting with friends have proven very effective on my inner happiness and mental health.

    Looking ahead to next week, which also happens to be Christmas week. I anticipate a time of celebration, reflection, and recharging before the new year. Did you had similar shifts in life? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please feel free to share your comments below!

  • Packing up Memories: My Intense Week of Moving Preparations (2024 Wk50)

    Packing up Memories: My Intense Week of Moving Preparations (2024 Wk50)

    This week has been all about moving preparations and transition, laying the groundwork for upcoming changes in both my personal and professional life. From a very early morning journey to France enjoying the sunrise above the clouds to meticulously cataloguing my belongings and ensuring a smooth handover at work, it’s been a week of focused activity.

    Personal: Setting the Stage for the Big Move

    On the personal side, my focus was on the final preparations for the move during the first half of the week, before springing into action from Friday onwards.

    I departed on Friday morning at 1am to go up to London Stansted to catch the 6:50am flight to Tours. This early departure was tiring – I slept in the bus and didn’t see anything from the flight waking up just for the sunrise -, but it got me to France efficiently. I landed at 9:10am local time and picked up my car rental in the city centre of Tours before heading to Loches and Perrusson.

    Upon arrival in Perrusson before lunchtime, my focus shifted to the practicalities of moving. I needed to be able to move my cars first to free some space. I bought new batteries for both my Mazda RX-8 and my Citroen 2CV. To my surprise and delight, the Mazda started immediately after four years of storage!! The 2CV, however, presented a small challenge. It didn’t start. I suspect a blockage in the carburettor’s fuel feed, possibly due to a fuel pump issue or an air bubble in the fuel filter. This will require further investigation.

    After this first major and satisfying victory, I spent a significant amount of time sorting through my possessions. Carefully deciding what to take to my new home and what to leave behind. I have also created a precise inventory of my belongings. Everything in boxes, each box was numbered and a log recorded the content of each box. A tedious task yet essential for a smooth move.

    Finally, I was fortunate to reconnect with good friends who generously hosted me for my entire stay, from Friday to Friday. Their hospitality made the transition much smoother. There were no electricity, no water and no gas in my house, so impossible to stay.

    We moved the cars to their place on Sunday, the Mazda travelling by road, and the 2CV on a plateau pulled by a van. Smooth and easy!

    Professional: Ensuring a Seamless Handover

    On the professional front, my primary focus before travelling to France has been on working on a seamless handover of my current role as Engineering and Lab Manager to my successor. I’ve been working on a comprehensive synthesis document (yes, a glorified Excel table…) to provide my colleagues with all the necessary information and context to continue the work effectively.

    This detailed handover is important to me, as I want to leave the team in the best possible position.

    Inner: Maintaining Focus and Balance

    Amidst the busyness of travel, moving preparations, and work responsibilities, I’ve also been consciously working on my personal well-being. I’ve been prioritising my morning routine, which includes meditation, breathing exercises, and journaling. This has helped me stay grounded and maintain focus throughout the week. This worked well for the first part of the week, but failed as soon as I travelled to France. Definitely some room for improvement here!

    Conclusion: Ready for the Next Chapter

    This week has seen final moving preparations and definitely more action. Boarding the flight on Friday morning meant things are getting serious. Focused on preparing for the next chapter. From the logistics of moving, I feel well-prepared for the actual move out from Perrusson next week.

    I’m eager to hear your thoughts and experiences with similar transitions. Please feel free to share your comments below!

  • A Mixed Bag: Navigating Change, Career Development, and Personal Challenges (2024 Wk49)

    A Mixed Bag: Navigating Change, Career Development, and Personal Challenges (2024 Wk49)

    Life, as they say, is a rollercoaster. This week has been no exception. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions – blend of excitement and stress -, of professional growth and personal challenges. As I am navigating change, with the complexities of moving to a different country, balancing career aspirations, and being fully present with my loved ones, join me as I share my experiences, insights, and lessons learned from this eventful week.


    Following on previous week, this week has seen good progress again with our relocation to France!

    It’s actually a two steps process, somehow overlapping: to bring back to France (some of) our possessions from the UK but also, and even before, to sale the house I own in the Loire Valley (Perrusson), moving the belongings I wish/ need to keep to our new place in the South West of France. So what happened on this topic?

    First thing: “Dragonfly” the green MGB GT has been collected on Tuesday and delivered to our new place on Thursday 😄 Thanks to Ralph from Advatec UK for this, and to Ian for receiving the car and dry storing it.

    I have also progressed on the moving company. After a few calls and quotes received, a company has been booked.

    Also booked a rental car in Tours, ready to rock!

    Aside from my upcoming week in Perrusson, we have started to use a local sharing app called OLIO. Its main goal is to encourage reducing waste (“Share More, Waste Less“), helping people finding what they need and sharing what they don’t.

    For example, a big part of the app activity is about volunteers collecting unsold food from shops and posting it for free on the app. Users then reserve and pick up.

    We tried and got a few things, including meat, fruits, bakery products,…

    Another side of the app consists in giving/ selling unwanted items (clothes, furniture, etc.). As we are downsizing prior to our move, we have used OLIO to offer a scanner-printer, a small coffee table,… So far, the printer has been collected, and a gentleman is interested in the coffee table. Those items would have likely gone to the recycling center. Glad they found a new home 🙂

    OLIO is available in 51 different countries to date, including France. We will need to give it a try once there.

    I would encourage you to start using the app and support the amazing people behind it. That’s good for your wallet, good for your local community and for our planet! 🌍 👍🏻


    I am learning a lot from Dan Martell those days. I really appreciate the way Dan provides guidance, straight to the point. For a newbie in entrepreneurship and still a seasoned professional, it’s priceless. The transformational leadership has resonated a lot with me; this is the way I have been leading my team and supporting the persons I have the chance to work with in their development. It’s great to see I am on a good track and reinforce motivation and self-confidence!

    To me, I can say I am succeeding in my role and as a leader when my team grows up.

    Another passage from one of the latest video (8 Life Hacks That I Know at 44 That I Wish I Knew in My 20s) is about stopping comparing oneself (your “level 1”) to someone much further and higher (“level 17”). Most of the time, this is demoralising. However, comparing yourself to your yesterday self: “Am I a better version of me today compared to yesterday?” allows to take actions to improve, to progress towards your goals.

    In turns, this means you should have goals and those should be broken down into smaller chunks (quarterly, monthly, weekly and even daily). And you should set indicators to effectively measure. Then tracking consistent progress will change the game. Your game.


    I have not done my weekly planning and I can fill things are more floating, a bit more “on-the-go”.

    I also fell short on my daily routine for a part of the week. Our daughter has been sick and was sleeping in our bed this week. Her comfort and wellbeing is paramount so I turned off the alarm and kept the phone out of the bedroom… and then overslept (I am feeling refreshed so cannot really complain!).

    Our daughter is much better now 😌 so will resume my morning routine from Monday!

    What is on the plate for next week?

    Again, the agenda for next week is not fully defined, yet there are some important topics to cover:

    Personal: to finalise a few details with the move from the Loire Valley to South of France, first big chunk of our relocation to France, and write the plan for the 7 days I will be there. There will be lots of things to do and the sequence of events will be crucial.

    Professional: again and as expected, I will continue to update my profile. I will also add a dedicated section on this website (not done yet!)

    Inner: I am thinking of introducing a debrief at the end of the day, capturing open topics, and already bringing them back to focus to start the following day more efficiently. Still need to walk more!

    The last words

    In a nutshell, this week I’m left with a mix feeling of accomplishment and I-could-have-done-more. Also anticipation for the week to come.

    The journey of moving to a different country (even a known one), while exciting, is undoubtedly challenging. Yet l think I am succeeding in keeping the chaos-to-be under control. I’ve found solace in personal growth and professional development, and of course made all the time necessary for my family (that’s non-negotiable, my family comes first).

    Stay tuned for more updates on my adventures in France, my professional endeavours, and my ongoing journey of self-discovery.👋🏻

  • A Week in Review: Relocation, Reflection, and Renewal (2024 Wk48)

    A Week in Review: Relocation, Reflection, and Renewal (2024 Wk48)

    Last week of November, and hello December! The countdown to Christmas is on! 🎄 It’s time for a reflection on the past week and look forward to the next one.

    This week has been rich and busy, with our upcoming relocation to France, the exciting (and a tad stressful) journey of exporting my beloved British classic car, and my ongoing commitment to personal development. I am also giving more and more thoughts about my professional aspirations and exploring the impact of early morning routines on my overall well-being.


    We are in the process of relocating from the UK to France (more on this to come!).

    I spent a good part of the week looking for the most cost effective way to export my beloved 1975 MGB GT “Dragonfly”.

    I first went via a platform called Shiply (very convenient, reactive, lots of answers and quotes to my request. Unfortunately there was a time constraint and I missed a good opportunity there).

    I had another opportunity out of this platform for a very sensible price and close the deal! I will be using the service of Advatec UK.

    And it is not only my MGB GT that will go, but also the 2 other cars I own in France: my 1980 Citroën 2CV6 Club and my 2006 Mazda RX-8 Performance Pack.

    Dragonfly will start her trip on Tuesday. As a consequence, I took time over the weekend to get her ready for her trip! That was nice to refit the battery and found out that everything was working fine, seeing the lights on the dashboard and hearing the fuel pump ticking to pressure up.

    After having checked all fluids were still of good quality and at the good levels, I tried to fire her up and nearly succeeded despite a weak battery and more than 4 years since I last used the car!😃

    MGB GT 1975 Dragonfly
    My beloved 1975 MGB GT “Dragonfly” ready for her trip to France.

    I am really looking forward to drive it again! There is a bit of work though. Can I do it in 2025? OK, let’s add this to my goals for next year.


    Linked to our move to France is the question of my professional activity.

    Being an Engineering & Lab Manager working for Safran, the large French aerospace group, there might be a possibility to stay within the group via internal mobility.

    Despite I could see myself continuing the adventure with Safran, but with nothing in sight for now, I need to look for other opportunities, and I am updating my business profile, and finally decided to switch on the “Open to Work” flag on LinkedIn.

    If you are interested in my profile, feel free to check here, or on LinkedIn.

    Switched on the “Open to Work” flag on LinkedIn
    Check my profile on LinkedIn!


    I have been working on my self-mastery for about a year now, at least officially and consistently. Likely one of the best – if not the best – investment I have done so far.

    This has all started with the discovery of “The 5am Club” from Robin S. Sharma, first as an audiobook, and then as a book. The book led me to challenge myself in installing a new habit over the course of 60 days.

    This habit is about waking up early (at 5am) and use this extra hour, quiet hour, magic hour, when the world is still asleep, to meditate, exercise, journal (3 blocks of 20 minutes). This is just fantastic, life-changing,

    After nearly a year of practice, I can say that I have fallen behind with the morning exercise, yet I am not feeling guilty as I cycle everyday to and from work anyway, whatever the weather. I have kept consistent with my meditation – relaxing my body and mind, and extended my journaling to 45 minutes, clearing my mind, putting on paper my thoughts, daily lesson learned, results achieved the day before and setting up new daily actions that will get me closer to my goals.

    45 minutes journaling daily
    Journaling to clear my mind, put on paper my thoughts, record daily lesson learned

    It’s a fantastic way to start the day in a constructive and positive way, confident and in control of the day and your life. I cannot recommend it enough. If you wish to self-develop, change, improve, evolve, this is a great way to begin the process.

    What is on the plate for next week?

    The agenda for next week is not fully defined, yet I want to progress on the following topics:

    Personal: the MGB will be on her trip, and I will have some work to do on the flat here in the UK.

    Professional: as expected, I will continue to update my profile, adding my latest training records. I will also add a dedicated section on this website.

    Inner: I need to get better with my weekly scheduling, still not strategic enough. And more walks, enjoying nature!

    A few final words

    As the year slowly comes to an end, I’m really excited about the possibilities that 2025 holds. From settling into our new life in France to embarking on new professional adventures, there’s much to look forward to.

    In a few weeks time, I will review 2024’s achievements and I’m already committed to continuing my personal growth journey, fostering mindfulness, and pursuing my passions.

    I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments below. Let’s connect, inspire, and grow together.

    Until next time, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep shining!


    For a glimpse into “The 5am Club” by Robin S. Sharma