This week has seen significant steps in our move to the South West of France. From the practicalities of moving out to contemplating career changes and reconnecting with personal well-being, it’s been a busy but ultimately fulfilling period!
Personal: Saying Goodbye to Perrusson, Hello (soon) to Burg
The dominant theme of my personal life this week has been moving out effectively from my house in Perrusson. This involved a flurry of activity, from the practical to the emotional. I spent a considerable amount of time over the past days sorting through my belongings, deciding what to take with me to our new home and what to leave behind. This process was more than just decluttering; it was a symbolic act of letting go some of the past and embracing the future.
Logistics also played a major role. I arranged for my Mazda RX-8 and my Citroën 2CV to be temporarily housed with close friends until they can be transported to Burg in January. This was a huge relief and I’m incredibly grateful for their help. My friends also collected the white goods, some furniture, and leftover building materials, and they will ensure they all go to good homes.
The actual moving day was a marathon. The moving company (NAKA Transports) arrived on Monday at 5:40pm and we started loading the moving truck immediately. After 3 hours of intense work with head torches and LED projectors (reminder: no electricity in the house, and it’s winter time, so it’s dark early!), the truck was off to Burg. They arrived at our new place the morning after and unloading went smoothly, thanks to the precious help of Ian who made the space available. We are incredibly well surrounded.
I spend Tuesday and Wednesday focused on the final clean of the Perrusson house. It was exhausting but satisfying to see everything come together.
Finally, I had an important appointment (the most important) at the notary on Thursday morning, which finalized the legal aspects of the sale. Everything went smoothly and the keys have been handed over to the new owner, marking the official start of a new chapter for her and for us! Very happy to have passed the baton so that she can continue the work I have started.
Despite the stress of moving out, I have been able to reconnect with close friends and spend quality time with them, which was a much-needed source of relaxation and joy.
Professional: Charting a New Course
My professional life has also been a focus -far behind the move though – this week. I’ve been actively reviewing job offers, with a strong preference for remote or hybrid positions that offer greater flexibility. This has involved updating my curriculum vitae to accurately reflect my skills and experience.
In addition to job searching, I’ve been seriously considering setting up my own business. I’m exploring the possibility of offering consultancy and auditing services, leveraging my expertise to help other businesses thrive. This is an exciting prospect, though it requires careful planning and consideration, as expected.
Inner: Reconnecting with Myself
Amidst the chaos of moving and career planning, I have neglected my personal well-being. I missed my daily meditation and journaling practices for the entire week, which left me feeling slightly disconnected. Thankfully, I managed to restart these practices on Saturday, which helped me regain a sense of balance.
Despite the hectic schedule, I maintained a relaxed attitude and thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with friends. It was a good reminder of the importance of social connection and taking time to unwind. They also embarked me on a week of food re-education. Raclette, goat cheese and Roquefort, duck, mussels, divinely cooked and served with the right wines each time. I must admit, after a week of focusing on “healthier” meals, I can confidently say that French food and cuisine are definitely above others!
Conclusion: A Week of Progress and New Beginnings
This week has been a significant period of transition, marked by progress in both my personal (mostly) and professional life (eventually). The move to Burg is complete, and I’m looking forward to settling into our new home in a few weeks. Professionally, I’m exploring new opportunities and considering exciting entrepreneurial ventures. Most importantly, I’ve reaffirmed the importance of maintaining balance and prioritizing my personal well-being. Also reconnecting with friends have proven very effective on my inner happiness and mental health.
Looking ahead to next week, which also happens to be Christmas week. I anticipate a time of celebration, reflection, and recharging before the new year. Did you had similar shifts in life? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please feel free to share your comments below!